Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Studentship Professional Development Pre-recorded Trainings Disciplinary
  • Institute's Qualifications

    Chartered Secretaries are senior professionals equipped with a board skill set encompassing corporate law, accounting and finance, governance, strategy, tax and corporate secretarial practice. They principally work as company secretaries or in related roles and are the primary source of advice on corporate governance to their board. This can span everything from legal and accounting advice, to strategy development and corporate planning.

    Chartered Governance Professionals are highly qualified and experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of governance and risk management across listed companies, private and not-for-profit organisations. In view of the ever more complex regulatory environment under which organisations now operate, the skills and knowledge possessed by members of this profession - in roles such as risk managers and compliance managers - are becoming increasingly sought-after.

    Chartered Secretaries and Chartered Governance Professionals are the standard bearers for good business practice. They are obliged to uphold the highest standards of governance and ethical behaviour in the organisations for which they work.

    Members of the Institute, holding dual designations of Chartered Secretary and Chartered Governance Professional, receive wide recognitions from governmental departments, regulators, statutory and professional bodies. Please refer to ‘Recognitions & Benefits’ section for details.

    Become a Member

    Individuals who have demonstrated adequate academic or professional knowledge, sufficient practical experience and been considered as a ‘fit and proper’ person are encouraged to obtain membership of the Institute.

    The journey to membership starts from registering as a student, progressively becoming a Graduate after completion of the Institute’s Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme, and electing as an Associate or a Fellow upon fulfilment of admission requirements set by The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI) and the Institute. Only Associates and Fellows are regarded as members of CGI and the Institute.

    Please refer to ‘Become a Member’ section for details.

    No. Each person has to register as a student and complete the Institute’s Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme (CGQP) first. Certain exemptions on CGQP examinations may be granted to applicants with relevant academic or professional qualifications.

    Please refer to ‘Studentship’ section for details.

    No. Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI) and ICSI, members of ICSI must register as a student of the Institute and can be granted with certain exemptions of the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme. They are required to complete the remaining modules and follow the rules and regulations as set by the Institute.

    Please refer to CGI Global’s website for the details of MoU, and ‘Studentship’ section for details of student registration.

    No. Students and Graduates are not members of the Institute and shall not describe themselves as Chartered Secretaries or Chartered Governance Professionals.

    Yes. You should seek election to membership within ten years after becoming a Graduate.

    Applicants are required to satisfy the following criteria:

    • Complete the Institute’s Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme (CGQP) and become a Graduate; and
    • Have at least *six years of relevant working experience before, during or after being registered as the Institute’s student; and
    • Be a fit and proper person in respect of both character and standing. (please read the Guideline on Fit and Proper Criteria)

    (*) Remarks: The six-year relevant working experience can be reduced by up to three years if applicant possessed a full-time degree programme. Reduction is subject to the duration of full-time study, e.g. if an applicant completed a full-time degree in two years, only two-year reduction may be granted.

    Please refer to Associateship section for details.

    You can submit your application online together with the followings:

    • Certified true copies of work testimonials/reference letters of full employment history
    • Certified true copies of certificates and transcripts of academic and professional qualifications
    • (if applicable) Completed Supplementary Form to illustration the job allocation of current or previous employment
    • Recommendation form completed by two referees holding professional qualifications, including one member of the Institute, and
    • Election fee.

    Please read the Guideline on Online Application for Election to Associateship carefully before submission. You can refer to Associateship section for details.

    The following areas of work areas are considered as relevant:

    • Administration
    • Auditing and accounting
    • Company secretarial
    • Financial management
    • General management
    • Governance and compliance
    • Legal
    • Personnel and HR
    • Risk management and internal control

    In addition to the certified true copies of work testimonials/reference letters of your employment, you are required to complete and submit a M007 – Supplementary Form – Associateship Application.

    This form is used to assess the relevancy of the applicant’s working experience for the Associateship application. The direct supervisor is required to fill in the percentage of the applicant’s time spent on specific job duties listed on the form. Both the supervisor and the applicant are required to sign on the form.

    You are required to submit the Supplementary Form if you are working or worked at the following positions (these are quoted as examples and not inclusive):

    • Assistant to senior management (e.g. CEO, CFO, directors, general managers)
    • Assistant/Senior Operation Officer
    • Clerical/Administrative Officer
    • Equity Analyst
    • Executive/Personal/Administrative Assistant
    • Financial Planner/Analyst
    • HR Officer
    • IT positions
    • Research Assistant/Officer
    • Sales and marketing positions
    • Secretary/Junior Secretary/ Senior Secretary/Executive Secretary/Legal Secretary
    • Senior Trustee Assistant
    • Teacher

    Please read the Guideline on Online Application for Election to Associateship carefully before submission. You can also refer to Associateship section for details.

    All employment details must be supported by certified true copies of working testimonial/ reference letters with job positions and respective employment periods clearly stated.

    Employment period of less than three months or an incomplete month of each employment would not be counted.

    • Example A:
    • ABC Company (Period of employment: from 3 March 2021 to 25 May 2021)
      This is not counted as the employment period is less than three months.
    • Example B:
    • So & So, CPA (26 May 2021 - 28 June 2022)
      Working experience is counted from 26 May 2021 to 25 June 2022, i.e. 13 months.

    If you were unemployed with a period of over three months, you are required to declare when you submit your application online.

    If you possess a recognised full-time degree, a reduction of relevant working experience for up to three years may be granted. Reduction is subject to the duration of full-time study, e.g. if an applicant completed a full-time degree in two years, only two-year reduction may be granted. Accordingly, he is required to obtain four years of relevant working experience for election to Associateship.

    You are required to provide you full employment history since you completed your full-time study. Although you may have gained more than six years relevant working experience in previous employment, it is necessary to provide the current employment information for the Membership Committee’s consideration.

    Applicants are required to satisfy the following criteria:

    • To obtain at least eight years of relevant working experience
    • To obtain, in the past ten years, at least three years of senior working experience in the capacity of company secretary, governance professionals, risk managers, compliance managers, senior academics or senior executive positions, and
    • To be a fit and proper person in respect of both character and standing. (please read the Guideline on Fit and Proper Criteria)

    Apart from the above general requirements, the following criteria will also be considered comprehensively by the Membership Committee:

    • Status of current/ most recent position
    • Size of current/ most recent organisation
    • Career progression
    • Academic and professional qualifications, and
    • Involvement in Institute’s affairs.

    Please refer to Fellowship section for details.

    You can submit your applications for election to Fellowship online together with the followings:

    • Certified true copies of work testimonials/reference letters of full employment history
    • Certified true copies of certificates and transcripts of academic and professional qualifications
    • Comprehensive hierarchy chart and job description of current/previous employment in the recent three years; and
    • Information indicating the size of current employing organisation
    • Recommendation form completed by two referees holding professional qualifications, including one Fellow of the Institute, and
    • Election fee.

    Please read the Guideline on Online Application for Election to Fellowship carefully before submission. You can refer to Fellowship section for details.

    Yes. If you have fulfilled the requirements for election to Fellowship, you can apply for Fellowship directly.

    If your membership/graduateship ceased due to (1) voluntary resignation; or (2) removal by non-payment of annual subscription can submit application for re-election.

    Applicants must submit the following to the Secretariat for arrangement:

    • A completed and duly signed application form, together with the recommendations made by two referees (including one of them must be a member of the Institute) holding professional qualifications
    • Certified true copies of work testimonials/reference letters of employment history since lapse of membership/graduateship
    • Explanatory letter for reasons for the lapse of membership/graduateship and re-election
    • Attendance record of 15 CPD hours within a 12-month period prior to application, and
    • Re-election fee, outstanding subscriptions and any fees owed to the Institute.

    For the details of CPD requirements and calculation of outstanding subscriptions, please refer to ‘Re-election’ section.

    Before submitting an application, you should inform the Institute in writing and provide details of the disciplinary proceedings for consideration. The Institute will consider the information provided on an individual basis and inform the former member if he is allowed to apply for re-election.

    Membership Renewal

    The Institute’s financial year starts from 1 July to 30 June each year. The renewal notice will be sent to all members and graduates by email on 1 July.

    You are encouraged to settle the annual subscription and make the declaration of character and standing as promptly as possible but no later than 30 September.

    Upon receipt of the renewal notice, you should pay the annual subscription and make the declaration of character and standing online as promptly as possible via your user account. Payment receipt of the annual subscription will be sent to you email address shortly once the online payment is completed.

    Please refer to the Online Payment Instruction for Annual Subscription under ‘Managing Membership’ section.

    The Institute accepts other payment methods including cheque, credit card and EPS (only in person at the Secretariat Hong Kong office). Apart from the payment, you must also sign and return the membership/graduateship renewal notice to the Secretariat for arrangement.

    Nevertheless, we encourage you to make your payment and the declaration online via your user account.

    Your membership/graduateship will be removed from the Institute’s register. After removal, you are not allowed to call yourself as a member/graduate of the Institute, or a Chartered Secretary or a Chartered Governance Professional. If you would like to reinstate your membership/graduateship, you must apply for re-election.

    Concessionary Rates

    The Institute offers four concessionary rates, namely Senior Rate, Retired Rate, Reduced Rate and Hardship Rate, to members and graduates who fulfil the relevant requirements, such as retirement, unemployment or illness.

    While Senior Rate is automatically granted to members who have reached the age of 70 before the start of financial year, eligible members or graduates have to apply for the other three rates (Retired, Reduced and Hardship). Online application, together with supporting documents as appropriate, can be submitted from 1 March to 31 May each year.

    Please refer to ‘Managing Membership’ section for details.

    No. You can only apply for one concessionary rate for each financial year. If such rate is not granted by the Membership Committee, you have to pay the annual subscription at full rate for the financial year concerned.

    For Retired Rate, it is granted on a one-off basis and you have no need to apply again.

    For Reduced Rate and Hardship Rate, it is granted on an annual basis. If you are still eligible for such rate, you must apply again for the following year.

    Please refer to ‘Managing Membership’ section for details.

    If you are granted with Retired/Reduced/Hardship Rate and subsequently return to gainful employment (whether full-time or part-time) or received income derived directly from labour or skills, you should inform the Institute in writing immediately. You are required to pay the annual subscription at full rate for the current financial year.

    There is no such limit imposed on Senior, Retired or Hardship Rate.

    However, Reduced Rate is regarded as a temporary relief offered to members or graduates who are temporarily unemployed under special circumstances. In view of this, from year 2019/2020 onwards members and graduates are only eligible for the Reduced Rate for a maximum of five years. Reduced rate granted on or before the year 2018/2019 will not be counted towards this five-year limit.

    Managing Membership

    You should submit the ‘Membership/Graduateship Resignation Form’ and settle all outstanding fees (including annual subscription for current financial year) owe to the Institute. You must return the original certificates of the Institute and CGI, as well as your membership/graduate card to the Institute.

    Upon the confirmation of resignation, you must not describe yourself as a Chartered Secretary nor a Chartered Governance Professional, nor use the designation denoting membership/graduateship of the Institute.

    Where disciplinary action is being considered again a member/graduate, his membership/graduateship shall not lapse until the procedures are completed.

    Please refer to ‘Managing Membership’ section for details.

    You can declare the loss of the certificates in the Membership/Graduateship Resignation Form.

    Membership Transfer

    Yes. You can apply for transferring your membership of CGI (i.e. the designation of FCG or ACG) to another division provided that you will be ordinarily resident in that divisional territory. You are required to submit a completed Application Form for Membership Transfer-Out and provide necessary information to the Institute for handling.

    Once the transfer is confirmed by both divisions and completed, the transferred member will cease to be an Ordinary Member of the Institute.

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    You can only apply for transferring your membership to the Institute if you are ordinarily resident in the China divisional territory, including Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. You have to submit application to your current division and request the division to provide necessary information to the Institute for handling. The Institute may also request you to provide additional information in supporting your application.

    Once the transfer is confirmed by both divisions and completed, the transferred member will be regarded as an Internationally Qualified Member of the Institute and is eligible to use the designations of FCG or ACG.

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    An individual shall be a Fellow or an Associate of CGI who is ordinarily resident in the China divisional territory. He shall satisfy the Council that he is a fit and proper person to become a Fellow or an Associate. He shall have passed the local examinations or additional requirements of the Institute except in so far as he may have been exempted on educational grounds under the rules made by the Council subject to Institute’s Article 9.

    Ordinary Members are entitled to use the designations of both CGI and the Institute.

    Designations of Ordinary Member:
    For Fellow: FCG HKFCG
    For Associate: ACG HKACG

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    An individual who has been elected a Fellow or Associate of CGI otherwise than by passing either the local examinations or additional requirements of the Institute, but has thereafter become ordinarily resident in the China divisional territory shall, upon application to the Institute, be admitted as an Internationally Qualified Membership and entitled to maintain that membership for such period as he remains ordinarily resident in the China divisional territory.

    Designations of Internationally Qualified Member:
    For Fellow: FCG
    For Associate: ACG

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    You can apply for election to become an Ordinary Member of the Institute upon passing the Membership Transfer Test or meeting additional requirements set by the Membership Committee.

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    The key objective of MTT is to examine whether Internationally Qualified Members are equipped with sufficient local knowledge, understanding and skills to perform their duties as Chartered Secretaries and Chartered Governance Professionals in the corporate sector.

    Selected modules of the Institute’s Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme (CGQP) will be adopted as MTT for Internationally Qualified Members to attempt.

    Upon successful completion of the MTT, members will become Ordinary Members and entitled to use the Institute’s designations of HKCGI or HKACG.

    Please refer to Membership Transfer Test for details.

    Your Ordinary Membership should be ceased upon the transfer of membership to another division.
    You can apply for transferring your membership back to the Institute subject to the confirmation of both divisions.

    If your membership is transferred back to the Institute within five years, you will be entitled to resume your membership as Ordinary Member without being required to undertake local examinations or additional requirements.

    However, if your membership is transferred back to the Institute for a period longer than five years, you will only be admitted as an Internationally Qualified Member and only entitled to use CGI’s designation of FCG or ACG. You are required to apply for re-election to Ordinary Membership by satisfying additional requirements.

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    If you are an Internationally Qualified Member who wish to acquire/re-instate his Ordinary Membership by satisfying additional requirements, you are required to submit an application in writing and provide necessary information demonstrating that you have sufficient local knowledge and practical experience to the Membership Committee for consideration.

    The Membership Committee shall, if appropriate, endorse the Internationally Qualified Member to proceed with your application by satisfying additional requirements set out below:

    • To gain 15 Enhanced CPD points within 12 months set by the Membership Committee; or
    • To fulfil other requirements set by the Membership Committee.

    Please refer to ‘Transfer of Membership’ section for details.

    Membership Certificate & Card

    A1: You are required to submit a completed replacement form together with an administrative fee to the Institute. It will normally take about four weeks to issue the new card or certificate.

    Download form: M022 - Replacement of Certificate Card Pin Form

    The Institute is delighted to line up various benefits offered by external merchants for members, graduates and students. You are entitled to those exclusive benefits and services upon presenting your Membership/graduate card at the merchants.

    Please refer to Recognition & Benefits section for details.

  • Studentship application

    Studentship applications can be submitted anytime throughout the year. However, applicants who wish to sit for upcoming examinations must observe the following deadlines:

    • 31st January (yearly) for the following June examinations.
    • 31st July (yearly) for the following November examinations.

    Late studentship applications shall pay a late administrative charge for enrolling in the upcoming examinations within 15 calendar days after the deadline.

    Regardless of the confirmation date of studentship, student status will be expired in the following 30 June.

    Registered students will receive the following within one month after submitting their studentship applications with all supporting documents:

    1. Studentship confirmation email

    2. Official receipt of the registration fee, and

    3. Exemption assessment confirmation email, if applicable.

    All fees can be paid online by American Express, Visa, Master and Union Pay.

    Students must settle the student renewal fee in order to renew their studentship. The Studentship Renewal Notice will be emailed to all students at the beginning of each financial year (i.e. 1 July) and must be settled for student renewal by 30 September. Failure to settle the renewal fee will constitute a ground for studentship removal from the register.

    You may apply for re-registration of studentship and pay the relevant fee online. For details of re-registration, please click HERE.


    No exemptions are granted to non-relevant degree holders.

    For top-up degree holders, exemptions are assessed according to the subjects taken at the higher diploma (or equivalent) and the top-degree level. You must submit official transcripts of both the top-up degree and sub-degree programmes for exemption assessment. (e.g. Diploma, Associate degree, Professional Diploma, Advanced Diploma etc.)

    Up to a maximum of three modules exemption would be granted to relevant degree/professional qualification holders.

    Graduates of the Partnership Bachelor's Programmes (PBPs) are eligible for exempting a maximum of four modules under CGQP, which is subject to fulfilling the prescribed requirements. For details of PBPs, please click HERE.

    Qualified lawyers or accountants with more than five years’ relevant post-qualifying experience may apply for Fast Track Professional route. For details, please click HERE.

    All exemption applications, together with supporting documents (including but not limited to certificates and transcripts of the academic or professional qualifications) and fees (if applicable), must be submitted online. For details of the exemption application, please click HERE.

    For details of the exemption fees, please click HERE.

    Only completed and recognised academic/professional qualifications are acceptable for exemption assessment.

    You can apply for further exemptions within six months upon the award of the newly acquired qualification. For details of further exemptions, please click HERE.

    A student who previously failed a CGQP module may use the newly acquired highest qualifications for further exemption.

    For details of further exemptions, please click HERE.

    Applicants unsatisfied with the result of their exemption assessment may apply for an appeal with the exemption appeal application fee within the stipulated deadline (i.e. one month from the issuance date of the relevant exemption confirmation notification). The Qualifications Committee is responsible for considering and deciding on exemption appeals and its decision is final.

    For details of exemption appeal, please click HERE.

    The approved exemption status will be forfeited if an applicant fails to settle the exemption fees by the deadline. Applicant may submit a reapplication within six months from the issuance date of the relevant exemption confirmation notification.

    For details of the exemption reapplication, please click HERE.


    The examination application deadlines will be posted on the Institute's website, CGj and e-circular. The examination application period is normally about six weeks from:

    • Early/Mid-February for June examinations; and
    • Late-July/Early August for November examinations

    If you cannot attend the examination due to sickness or medical reasons, you may apply for examination postponement.

    For details, please click HERE.

    You may apply for a review of examination results within 10 working days after the release of the results to the Institute.

    For details, please click HERE.

    Students are required to complete the CGQP examinations within a period of six years from the date of first registration or 1 January 2020, whichever is later. Students may extend for a maximum of four years in completing the CGQP. No studentship extension is allowed beyond ten years.

    You must apply for an extension of studentship in writing before the studentship expiry. Details of the application procedures will be announced in due course. All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Students are recommended to schedule their studies before submitting examination application.

    The Institute provides a variety of support and services for students to prepare for their examinations. For details, please click HERE.

    Collaborative Course Agreement (CCA) programmes

    The Institute has developed the Collaborative Course Agreement programmes (CCA programmes) with several local universities that lead to full exemption from the CGQP.

    To enrol on the CCA programme, please contact the respective universities. For details, please click HERE.

    Students of CCA programme must register or re-register as HKCGI students within three months after the commencement of the CCA programme. For details, please click HERE.

    Under this situation, you are subject to an CCA late studentship application charge if you want to register with the Institute during your CCA programme study. The Institute reserves the right not to admit late registrations.

    For details, please click HERE.

    Yes, you must settle the student renewal fee to maintain your studentship with the Institute at all time during your course of study for your applications for full exemptions. For details, please click HERE.

    CCA programme graduates should apply for full exemption within six months from the conferment of the CCA programme. The Institute reserves the right to decline full exemption applications if CCA programme graduates fail to meet the studentship registration and maintenance requirements and relevant CCA policies. For details of CCA full exemption policy, please click HERE.

    You must first re-register as HKCGI student within three months after the commencement of the CCA programme and meet the studentship maintenance requirement and relevant CCA policies before you could apply for full exemptions and Graduateship. For details of CCA full exemption policy, please click HERE.

    CCA programme graduates should apply for full exemption within six months from the conferment of CCA programme. The Institute reserves the right to decline full exemption applications if CCA programme graduates fail to meet the studentship registration and maintenance requirements and relevant CCA policies.

    CCA full exemption applications after 24 months from the conferment of the master’s degree will not be accepted. For details, please click HERE.

    The Institute reserves the right to decline your full exemption application. Administrative charges shall apply to CCA full exemption applications made after the six-month period. For exemption application details, please click HERE.

    You are encouraged to attend the Institute's ECPD seminars during your course of study but it is not a mandatory requirement.

    Credit transfer/exemption may be awarded to CCA programme students from respective university, subject to the requirements of the Institute.

    Students who have taken common subjects, from other programmes of the same university may apply for credit transfer. There is a time limit of 24 months for a credit transfer arrangement. You are suggested to consult the programme team of the university on the credit transfer arrangement. You may contact the Institute for any questions.

    All full exemption applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Under the following conditions, the CCA graduates are not eligible to apply for full exemptions:

    1. CCA graduates did not register as HKCGI students during their course of study
    2. CCA graduates whose study period is longer than the normal programme duration.
    3. The credit transfer by the university is not agreed by the Institute or exceeds the time frame.
    4. CCA full exemption applications made to the Institute on the 25th month and onwards from the conferment of the master degree.

    Students must observe the studentship maintenance requirement for full exemption application. They should make their exemption application within a period of six months after the fulfilment of the studentship maintenance requirement. For more details, please click HERE.

    Students whose study period is longer than the required timeframe must submit the explanatory letter with supporting documents (e.g. medical reasons, company letter for overseas trip/ job relocation, university’s proof for course deferral etc.) for an individual exemption assessment. All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

    No pre-approval is appliable. However, students have to retain the supporting documents (e.g. medical certificate, employers’ letter, study deferral documents etc). These can be submitted together with the explanatory letters when students apply for full exemption upon graduation.

    Studentship Renewal

    Regardless of the confirmation date of studentship, student status will be expired in the following 30 June. All students are required to settle the student renewal fee in order to renew their studentship. The Studentship Renewal Notice will be sent to all students via email at the beginning of each financial year (i.e. 1 July) and must be settled for student renewal by 30 September.

    If there is any change of correspondence email address, students are reminded to inform the Institute by completing the Personal Data Update Form.

    The Studentship Renewal Notice will be emailed to all students at the beginning of each financial year (i.e. 1 July) and must be settled for student renewal by 30 September. Failure to settle the renewal fee will constitute a ground for studentship removal from the register.

    Learning support

    The Institute provides a variety of learning support and services for students in preparation for examinations. For details, please click HERE.

    HKCGI students may log in their user account to subscribe the videos. The subscribed videos will be shown under the ‘Video Subscription’ section.

    You will receive a confirmation email sent to your HKCGI account upon successful subscription.

    HKCGI students must register the HKCGI PrimeLaw account to access the online study materials. For details, please click HERE.

    Due to the copyright issues, downloads of online study materials are limited to 300 comm block / per document per day.

    The system will automatically lock the account if the user tries to use spider software. Wolters Kluwer will notify the Institute immediately if this happens and communicate with the user during office hours. Any second attempt to use spider software will block the user to access his/her account.

  • General

    The role of the company secretary has expanded and become complex when the regulators have imposed more rules and enhanced corporate governance regulations since early 2000’s. Owing a duty to ensure that its members are well equipped for the ever-changing business and regulatory environment, the Institute first introduced its Enhanced CPD programme (“ECPD”) in 2004 with the support from HKEX which aimed at maintaining high professional standards by requiring its members to engage in certain number of hours of Enhanced CPD programme annually.

    HKEX Listing Rule 3.29 (GEM Rule 5.15) has provided that in each financial year an issuer’s company secretary must take no less than 15 hours of relevant professional training. HKEX has also stated in FAQ Series 17 (last updated on 1 January 2022) that the Institute’s continuing professional development training (including ECPD courses) is considered by HKEX to satisfy the requirements of the aforesaid Rule while HKEX does not generally provide accreditation of professional training courses.

    The Enhanced CPD programmes are designed and organised by the Institute to update members with the latest industry developments, and to provide members with technical knowledge and professional skills necessary to perform their roles as company secretaries or governance professionals.

    The Enhanced CPD programmes are well received by members of the Institute. More than 34% members attended for 10 or more ECPD hours in each of the CPD years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. The average ECPD hours per member in these two CPD years are 8.8 and 8.5, which are significantly higher than the 3-ECPD hour requirement at basic level in these years. This serves as a sound indicator that our Enhanced CPD programmes suit the needs and interests of members.

    Yes, members can buy an Individual Package for attending 10 Enhanced CPD seminars in 1.5/2.0 hours each at a discount. For more details, please click HERE.

    Any member working in company secretarial field can apply to the Institute for Practitioner’s Endorsement when he/she has accumulated 15 ECPD hours (including 10 ECPD hours from the Institute’s ECPD events) in one CPD year. For more details, please click HERE.

    In the CPD year 2021/2022, 34% members attended the Institute’s ECPD events for 10 or more ECPD hours. The average ECPD hour per member is 8.5, which is significantly higher than the 3-ECPD hour requirement at basic level in that year.

    Members of the Institute are accepted by HKEX to act as company secretaries of listed companies to deal with corporate governance matters. The Institute has a duty to ensure that its members are imparted with the latest industry developments, technical knowledge and professional skills necessary to perform their roles as company secretaries or governance professionals. Therefore, members are expected to fulfill the Institute’s CPD requirement, including the attendance of the Institute’s Enhanced CPD activities of a prescribed number of hours, regardless of the sector in which they are employed in.

    Enhanced CPD programme is organised by the Institute to provide members with regulatory updates, technical knowledge and professional skills necessary to perform the roles as company secretaries or governance professionals.

    More than 80 Enhanced CPD events are organised by the Institute in a CPD year while topics or areas under Company Secretarial Practice, Regulatory Development and Enforcement, and Governance, Risk & Compliance are largely covered therein.

    Company secretaries of listed companies were first required by HKEX to take no less than 15 hours of relevant professional training in the financial year commencing on 1 January 2012. Mandatory requirement of 15 CPD hours (including 3 ECPD hours from the Institute’s ECPD activities) was first implemented by the Institute in the CPD year 2011/2012. The current CPD requirement per CPD year remains as 15 CPD hours, including a minimum of 6 ECPD hours from the Institute’s ECPD activities.

    More than 80 ECPD courses in a CPD year are organised by the Institute while most of them are delivered via online webinars. Recording of over 50 ECPD courses is made available at the Institute’s e-learning platform, ECPD Videos on Demand. Members can attend ECPD courses via smart devices anywhere anytime.

    Basic Level Requirements

    During the CPD year ended 30 June 2022, a minimum of 3 ECPD hours was required. Due to the change of ECPD requirement at Basic Level effective from 1 July 2022, a minimum of 6 ECPD hours from HKCGI ECPD courses is now required.

    A two-year transitional period is applicable in the CPD years ending 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2024, and you can opt for getting 4.5 ECPD hours from HKCGI ECPD courses with the remaining 10.5 CPD hours obtained from other course providers for each CPD year.

    HKCGI organises over 90 ECPD courses annually in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. Most of them are delivered in online mode. You can enrol and attend any of them to earn ECPD hours.

    Over 50 ECPD seminars are also available at HKCGI’s unique online platform – ECPD Videos on Demand. You may enjoy more flexibility to schedule professional earning and to earn ECPD hours.

    From time to time, HKCGI will invite members to attend events on complimentary basis. While some of the events are CPD-bearing, they are NOT counted as ECPD hours.

    Yes, you may attend non-HKCGI run CPD courses in those areas as specified in Clause 1.2 under Appendix 1 of HKCGI CPD Policy provided that the minimum Basic Level requirement of getting 6 ECPD hours from HKCGI's ECPD courses can be met.

    When attending any non-HKCGI course, you should notify the provider that you will claim CPD hours, and should make sure that your attendance at the entire course is noted by all means. Upon completion, you should also ask for certificate of attendance or any documentary evidence in supporting your attendance or completion of course.

    Yes, certain CPD hours can be claimed on those activities which are specified in Clause 1.3 under Appendix 1 of HKCGI CPD Policy provided that they are not normal work activities under full-time, part-time or self-employment.

    Yes. A maximum of 5 CPD or ECPD hours accumulated in excess of the requirements in one CPD year can be carried forward to the next immediately succeeding CPD year. The ECPD hours earned from HKCGI ECPD courses shall firstly be applied in the current CPD year.

    Example 1:

    • 7 ECPD hours from HKCGI ECPD courses plus 10 CPD hours would be accumulated in the 2022/2023 CPD year. 7 ECPD hours plus 8 CPD hours would be counted in the 2022/2023 CPD year while the remaining 2 CPD hours would be carried forward to the 2023/2024 CPD year.

    Example 2:

    • 16 ECPD hours from HKCGI ECPD courses plus 4 CPD hours would be accumulated in the 2022/2023 CPD year. 15 ECPD hours would be counted in the 2022/2023 CPD year while the remaining 1 ECPD hour plus 4 CPD hours would be carried forward to the 2023/2024 CPD year.

    No, HKCGI students are not required to fulfil CPD requirements. However, students who are discharging the functions of company secretary in companies being listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange must comply with the requirements in professional training under the Listing Rules.

    Yes, all graduates of HKCGI are required to comply with the Institute's CPD requirements starting from the CPD year immediately after the year of becoming graduates.

    Yes, you are required to comply with the CPD requirements starting from the CPD year immediately after the year of re-joining. For example, if you would re-join in September 2022, you would be required to comply with the CPD requirements starting from the CPD year of 2023/2024 (i.e. from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024) onwards.

    A Relevant Person transferred from other division of The Chartered Governance Institute to HKCGI (Internationally qualified member) is required to comply with the CPD requirements starting from the CPD year immediately after the year of transfer.

    Record Keeping & Monitoring

    An appropriate record of CPD or ECPD activities includes certificates of attendance or other relevant documentary evidence to support attendance or completion of CPD or ECPD activities, stating the topic and content of event, the date, time and duration.

    You are required to maintain proper CPD attendance records of all CPD or ECPD activities, including course attendance certificates, for a minimum of 5 consecutive CPD years.

    You are not required to submit any documents on non-HKCGI activities to HKCGI unless you are requested by HKCGI to do so for audit checking or other purpose.

    Yes, you are required to make an online declaration of CPD compliance within one month of the end of the previous CPD year. For example, the deadline for 2021/2022 CPD year is 31 July 2022.

    Yes. Audit checking is conducted annually on those members who are randomly selected by HKCGI. Selected members are required to provide HKCGI with their CPD records including documentary evidences in support of their attendance or completion of the CPD activities in the CPD year.

    As stated in Clause 6.4 of HKCGI CPD Policy, you shall incur an administrative fee of HK$3,000 payable upon the Institute’s demand if you would fail to submit online declaration within one month of the end of the previous CPD Year.

    If the failure would subsist as at the end of 90 days from the end of the previous CPD Year, your non-compliant case will be referred to the Investigation Group of HKCGI in accordance with Clause 3 of HKCGI CPD Policy for the commencement of discipline.

    A breach of CPD Policy would be regarded as a breach of professional conduct. In a serious case of material breach of CPD Policy, you may be removed from HKCGI’s membership/graduateship register.

    As stated in Clause 6.4 of HKCGI CPD Policy, you shall incur an administrative fee of HK$3,000 payable upon HKCGI’s demand if you would fail to supply to HKCGI’s satisfaction the requisite documentary evidence for audit checking.

    If the failure would subsist as at the end of 90 days from the end of the previous CPD Year, your non-compliant case will be referred to the Investigation Group of HKCGI in accordance with Clause 3 of HKCGI CPD Policy for the commencement of discipline.

    A breach of CPD Policy would be regarded as a breach of professional conduct. In a serious case of material breach of CPD Policy, you may be removed from HKCGI’s membership/graduateship register.


    Members or graduates can submit online application for temporary exemption from CPD requirements in one CPD year for any of the following reasons during the CPD year:

    • Long term illness
    • Pregnancy/maternity leave
    • Retirement for six months or above
    • Unemployment for six months or above

    Application should be submitted online with documentary evidence to HKCGI in accordance with the time frame and procedures as specified by HKCGI. All applications will be subject to the approval of the Professional Development Committee at its sole discretion.

    Members or graduates may be granted temporary exemption from CPD requirements for one CPD year due to long term illness, provided the following conditions are met:

    1. the member or graduate has accumulated ninety (90) sickness days during the CPD year;
    2. the sick leave is supported by valid medical certificate(s) duly issued by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner or a registered dentist; and
    3. the medical certificates must specify the number of days and the nature of the sickness or injury that renders the member or graduate unfit for work.

    Under normal circumstances, you shall not be exempted from CPD requirements in two CPD years due to pregnancy. You may apply for exemption either in the current CPD year or in the next CPD year.

    Retired Members of HKCGI shall be exempted from CPD requirements starting from the CPD year immediately after the year of becoming retired members.

    If you have satisfied the following criteria, you may apply to HKCGI for the status of Retired Member:

    • not less than 55 years of age and have been a paid-up member of HKCGI for at least 25 years (members who have reached the age of 60 may be exempted from the 25-year membership requirement at the discretion of the Membership Committee); and
    • have retired from employment and have ceased to have contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme in Hong Kong (or likewise outside Hong Kong).

    Prior to 30 June 2022, HKCGI would accept members or graduates, residing or working outside Hong Kong for more than 183 days during the CPD year, not to accumulate ECPD hours by attending HKCGI ECPD courses.

    Since 2021, HKCGI has been organising ECPD courses in online webinar mode on a regular basis. Over 50 ECPD seminars are made available at HKCGI’s e-learning platform, ECPD Videos on Demand. Members and graduates can attend HKCGI’s ECPD courses from anywhere outside Hong Kong. Starting from 1 July 2022, HKCGI will not entertain application for exemption due to not residing in Hong Kong.

    Advanced Level Requirements

    You are required to accumulate a minimum of 15 ECPD hours, at least 10 of which must be obtained from HKCGI ECPD courses. The remaining 5 ECPD hours can be obtained from HKCGI ECPD courses or those training on Approved Topics by Accredited Providers under Appendix 2 of HKCGI CPD Policy.

    You may attend non-HKCGI run courses on the Approved Topics by the Accredited Providers as specified in Clauses 1.4 and 1.5 respectively under Appendix 2 of HKCGI CPD Policy.

    When attending any non-HKCGI course, you should notify the Accredited Provider that you will claim CPD hours, and should make sure that your attendance at the entire course is noted by all means. Upon completion, you should also ask for certificate of attendance or any documentary evidence in supporting your attendance or completion of course.

    From time to time, HKCGI will invite members to attend events on complimentary basis. While some of the events are CPD-bearing, they are NOT counted as ECPD hours.

    Yes, certain ECPD hours can be claimed on those activities which are specified in Clauses 1.3 and 1.6 under Appendix 2 of HKCGI CPD Policy provided that they are not normal work activities under full-time, part-time or self-employment.

    If you would like to obtain Practitioner’s Endorsement of HKCGI, you must also have at least 3 years’ of experience in company secretarial practice as stipulated in Clause 2.2 of HKCGI CPD Policy.

    Yes. A maximum of 5 ECPD hours accumulated in excess of the 15-ECPD requirements at Advanced Level in one CPD year can be carried forward to the next immediately succeeding CPD year for the sole purpose of filling the shortfall of 5 ECPD hours after attending HKCGI’s ECPD courses for 10 ECPD hours in the next immediately succeeding CPD year.

    Practitioner's Endorsement

    Upon accumulating 15 ECPD hours in the fulfillment of CPD requirement at the Advanced Level, members with appropriate experience are eligible to apply for the PE designation. This will serve as an indication to employers, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) and other regulators that PE holders have up to date and practical knowledge under HKCGI's ECPD training programme. The commitment also brings about peer-to-peer recognition.

    Please refer to Clause 2 of HKCGI CPD Policy for details.

    All members of the Institute working in the company secretarial field in the following entities are encouraged to obtain the Practitioner's Endorsement:

    • Companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)
    • Companies listed in other jurisdictions having a presence in Hong Kong
    • Company secretarial departments of legal and accounting firms, private companies and non-governmental organisations
    • Trust and company service providers

    Continuing education is now an integral part of work experience. The Institute, in common with other professional bodies, aims to provide its members with a practical and quality continuing education training that is recognised by regulators and employers. The PE scheme is endorsed by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX).

    To apply for PE, a member must fulfil the following requirements:

    • Is an Associate or a Fellow of HKCGI;
    • Has at least three years of relevant work experience in the company secretarial practice and is able to provide written confirmation of such employment from their employer(s) or immediate supervisor(s) at work; and
    • Is able to provide documentary proof of the 15 ECPD hours at the Advanced Level during the CPD Year prior to the application.

    No fee is required upon application for PE. Enrolment fees are however payable for HKCGI’s ECPD courses.

  • You can subscribe to the ECPD Videos on Demand at the website of HKCGI HERE or Director Training programmes HERE.

    The pre-recorded trainings are offered throughout the year. You may subscribe any time. Once your subscription is successful, you can start watching on the same day.

    Pre-recorded trainings are available for viewing through electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and computers at any time within the viewing period. You enjoy great flexibility in scheduling your continuous professional development to accommodate your work and leisure needs.

    Yes. Pre-recorded trainings in the form of ECPD Videos on Demand or Director Training programmes are ECPD bearing and are accepted as ECPD hour(s) obtained from HKCGI. You will also receive a Certificate of Attendance from HKCGI by email.

    In order to be awarded the ECPD hour(s), you must:

    • watch the video in its entirety without skipping any of it; and
    • complete the quiz with a majority of correct answers.

    No ECPD hours will be awarded and no Certificate of Attendance will be issued if either of the above is not completed.

    You have 30 days to finish watching the video and complete the quiz, starting from the date of subscription. You can find the exact expiry date for each of your subscriptions in the confirmation email.

    Once this 30-day period has passed, you will not be able to watch the video or attempt the quiz. No requests of viewing period extension, refund or substitution will be entertained.

    You can log out after watching a portion of the video. When you access the video again, you will continue watching from where you left off.

    While watching the video, there is a counter indicating the minutes remained for easy reference.

    Once you have finished watching the video in its entirety and the remaining minutes has become “zero”, the quiz will appear on the screen for you to answer.

    In order to be awarded the ECPD hour(s), you must get a majority of correct answers in the quiz. Do not worry if you do not get a majority of correct answers, as you have unlimited attempts until you get so.

    In case you encounter any difficulties throughout the process in watching a video, downloading presentation slides, or attempting the quiz, please contact Information Technology Section of HKCGI at (852) 2881 6177 or by email: for technical support.

    Once you have finished watching the video and completed the quiz with a majority of correct answers, ECPD hour(s) will automatically be updated in your CPD record at HKCGI. You can log in to your account on HKCGI website to access your CPD record.

    Once you have been awarded the ECPD hour(s), you can watch the video as many times as you like within 30 days from the date of subscription. However, no extra ECPD hour(s) will be awarded.

    Should you have any question about Certificate of Attendance or ECPD hour(s), please contact Professional Development Section of HKCGI at (852) 2881 6177 or by email:

  • How to lodge a complaint?

    Please file your complaint by completing, signing and submitting the Complaint Form to us by post to ‘Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute at 3/F, Hong Kong Diamond Exchange Building, 8 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong’ and mark ‘Private and Confidential’ on the envelope; or by email to; or in person.

    A valid complaint must be supported by evidence that is sufficient to show the possibility of alleged improper acts or professional misconduct committed by a member/graduate/registered student.

    Unsubstantiated allegations (including anonymous complaints) CANNOT be processed.

    Misconduct case

    The Institute establishes a set of complaint handling mechanisms, of which the flow chart for disciplinary procedures and proceedings can be downloaded here.

    If the misconduct complaint case is already under disciplinary proceedings, no voluntary resignation on membership/graduateship/studentship would be processed.

    Application to resign from membership/graduateship/studentship could only be processed upon settlement of all outstanding payments.

    CPD non-compliance case

    Sanctions or penalties imposed by the Disciplinary Tribunal may involve the imposition of a fine, censure or other forms of penalty and in severe cases, removal from membership/graduateship register.

    Pursuant to the Charter and Byelaws of The Chartered Governance Institute and the Articles of Association of the Institute, where disciplinary action is being considered against a member/graduate, his/her membership shall not lapse until the procedure is completed.

    If a CPD non-compliance case is already under disciplinary proceedings:-

    • no voluntary resignation on membership/graduateship would be processed. Application to resign from membership/graduateship could only be processed upon settlement of all outstanding payments and fulfilment of CPD requirements
    • the member/graduate concerned shall report and update the Institute Secretariat on a quarterly basis to demonstrate his/her effort in fulfilling the CPD requirements, and
    • attendance at a disciplinary hearing will be required if the member/graduate concerned fails to rectify his/her alleged contravention.

    For the compliance of 2017/2018 CPD requirements and onwards, the Disciplinary Tribunal has decided the following being effective from 25 July 2018:-

    • no further extension of time before a disciplinary hearing will be given by the Disciplinary Tribunal to the member/graduate concerned to rectify his/her alleged contravention as ample opportunities have been given by the Professional Development Committee
    • a notice to disciplinary hearing will be issued to the member/graduate concerned and the case will be proceeded to a disciplinary hearing directly
    • a fine payable at a minimum of HK$3,000 will usually be imposed for each breach of CPD requirement
    • the member/graduate concerned will still be required to rectify his/her breach within a prescribed period, and
    • the progressive scale of penalties decided by the Disciplinary Tribunal on and being effective from 10 June 2015 will continue to apply as follows: a fine payable by the member/graduate concerned (HK$3,000 per year of CPD non-compliance); suspension of all rights of membership/graduateship until such time as he/she is able to demonstrate fulfilment of outstanding CPD points; and removal from the register of membership/graduateship.
  • Please click the above "Reset password" function to reset your password.

    Members/graduates/students must submit 'Personal Data Update Form' to HKCGI by email or fax. After verifying the information on the form, we will notify user to activate the account and set password.

    Members/graduates/students must submit 'Personal Data Update Form' to HKCGI by email or fax. After verifying the information on the form, the requested information will be sent to the applicant’s correspondence email or address.

    Please login to your user account using your old password and update your new one under "Change Password". Your new password will be effective immediately.

    Please check the possible causes of the issue:

    • Please activate your account (for those newly created non-member accounts).
    • Please ensure that the captcha text has been entered before you click the "Login" button.
    • Please ensure that you have allowed website "cookies" of your browser to our website.
    • Please ensure the special characters (if any) used in the password is properly pressed with 'SHIFT' key from your keyboard.

    Please check the possible causes of the issue:

    • Please refresh by pressing [CTRL+F5] on the keyboard or reopen the browser.
    • Please update your browser because you may be using older version of web browser.
      Some common browsers:
      Google Chrome: update here
      Mozilla Firefox: update here
      Microsoft/Chromium Edge: update here
    • Please clear browser's cache.
      If you are using Google Chrome browser, first logout from any other websites you are using and close all browser’s tab. After that, press "Control + Shift + Delete" in Windows and "Command + Shift + Delete" in Mac. This will open the clear browsing history pop-up like below in Google Chrome. Select all time for the time range and click on "Clear data" button to delete all browsing history.
      Now, close and reopen the browser and try to check whether captcha image is showing.
    • Check and Enable Cookies
      Sometimes cookies can stop loading the captcha images. The next option to check and enable cookies for the site you are visiting. When you are on the problematic page, click on the pad lock icon on Chrome address bar. Click on the "Cookies" to find the cookies loaded by the page.

      Click on the "Blocked" tab, check to see if the cookies from our website are blocked. If so, please select all similar name entries and click "Allow"
    • Disable Ad Blocker
      If you have installed Ad Blockers browser extensions which are used to block unwanted advertisements on the pages that sometimes include captcha images. In this case, please check your installed ad blockers browser extensions, simply disable and reload the website to check the captcha image is showing.
    • VPN and Proxy
      VPN and proxy services are useful to access the internet anonymously by hiding your IP information. However, it can create unforeseen problems like blocking captcha image from loading. Disable your VPN or proxy and check it can help to resolve the problem.
    • Enabling JavaScript in the web browser
      Google Chrome:
      • Click the "three-dot" icon (Customize and control Google Chrome) on the top right of Chrome.
      • Click "Settings" and then "Privacy and security".
      • Click "Site settings" and then "JavaScript".
      • Enable the option "Sites can use Javascript".
    • Try with another browsers, another devices (desktop, tablet and mobile phone) or another networks (LAN network, Wi-Fi network and Mobile network).
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