Examination Technique Workshops

Examination Technique Workshops

Examination Technique Workshops are designed for students with substantive knowledge of the respective examination modules. A new structure for the workshops will be implemented to better facilitate examination preparation for students. The workshops for the November 2024 examinations will be extended from 6 hours to 12 hours, specifically for the Corporate Governance, Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance, and Risk Management modules.

  • Part I and Part II: These sections consist of pre-recorded videos totalling 10.5 hours. They offer an overview of the syllabus by highlighting key points and significant issues. Past papers are used as illustrations to provide guidance on examination techniques for tackling questions.
  • Part III: This will be a 1.5-hour webinar that provides feedback and guidance based on the mock examination paper.

Enrolment and subscription date:

  • 9 September 2024 and onwards: Subscribe for the pre-recorded videos, Part I & Part II
  • 9 – 20 September 2024: Enrolment period for the workshop webinar, Part III

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