Share Scheme Evolution: Navigating Regulatory Changes, Enhancing Compliance and Introducing Employee Stock Purchase Plan

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Nic Yau, Consultant, Lo & Lawyers
  • Mr Felix Kung, Business Development Director, Global Shares
  • Ms Wendy Ho FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member, HKCGI; Executive Director, Company Secretarial Services, VISTRA (Chair)


In continuation of the evolution of share schemes, this seminar will provide a comprehensive review of the share scheme regime one year after its adoption. Our seasoned speakers will revisit the changes introduced in Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules following the conclusions of the consultation on share schemes by HKEX in July 2022. Through an in-depth analysis, they will highlight the key implications for listed issuers and offer practical tips for company secretaries and governance professionals to navigate these changes effectively.

Additionally, a special panel discussion will be set up to introduce the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) — a commonly adopted scheme in the US and EMEA but less prevalent in Hong Kong. The panel will provide an overview of ESPP, shedding light on its benefits and considerations for adoption as compared with the existing share schemes in Hong Kong.

Join us for an engaging session that combines regulatory insights with practical experiences, providing attendees with a holistic view of share schemes and valuable knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. 

Key outline:

  • Reflecting on the current share scheme regime
  • Exploring the practical implications for listed companies
  • Strategies for enhancing compliance governance and addressing regulatory requirements
  • Providing practical guidance on leveraging technology for efficient compliance management
  • Understanding the Employee Stock Purchase Plan and the considerations for adoption

(Recorded in April 2024)

Level: Intermediate

Bios of Speakers and Chair:
Mr Nic Yau
Mr Felix Kung

Ms Wendy Ho

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