Startups in Hong Kong & Challenges of Governance Enhancement

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Gilbert Tam, Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, DGBY Advisors
  • Ms Cermain Cheung, Consultant, Oldham, Li & Nie
  • Mr Vincent Pang, Managing Partner - AVISTA Group
  • Mr Edmond Chiu FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member, HKCGI; Head of Corporate & Fund Services, Vistra Corporate Services (HK) Limited (Chair)


Rooted in innovation, startups are young companies founded to develop unique products and services aiming for rapid growth and then going public. Successful startups can include Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, WeWork, Beyond Meat, etc. What is the development of startups in Hong Kong?

Corporate governance may not be the focus of founders of startups in early stages. Building corporate governance structures and practices is undoubtedly essential for their long-term success and in particular, ultimate goal of going public. What are the challenges of governance enhancement and possible solutions?

In this seminar, seasoned speakers will give an overview of and the advantages to develop startups in Hong Kong, and examine the trend of corporate innovation and the importance of valuation for startups.

One panel discussion will follow to delve into the significance and challenges of bringing in corporate governance elements for startups. 


  • What is Startup in Hong Kong?
    • Stages of Startup
    • Stakeholders of Startup
    • Advantages for Startup in Hong Kong
    • Development of Startup in Hong Kong
  • Trend of corporate innovation
    • Corporate venture
    • Corporate incubation
    • Corporate acceleration
  • Why valuation matters for startup companies?
  • Panel discussion: Significance and challenges of governance enhancement

(Recorded in May 2023)

Level: Intermediate

Speakers' bio:
Mr Gilbert Tam
Ms Cermain Cheung
Mr Vincent Pang
Mr Edmond Chiu

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