Advising Families: Bringing Together the Internal and External

  • English

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Ms Patricia Woo, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
  • Mr Edmond Chiu FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member and Chairman of Professional Services Panel, HKCGI; Head of Corporate and Fund Services, Vistra Corporate Services (HK) Limited (Chair)


This seminar will explore the critical importance of integrating the internal family dynamics with the external ever-changing environments. The speaker, a fund, trust and tax lawyer, will share insights on how to adopt an integral approach to effectively address the unique challenges faced by affluent families.

  1. An integral approach to affairs of wealthy families
  2. Why it is important to bring together the internal and external
  3. Practical application of the integral approach
  4. Examples – working with the family as a whole and the family members

(Recorded in June 2024)

Level: Intermediate

Speaker's bio:
Ms Patricia Woo

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