Overview of Taxation for Doing Business in China

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


Ms Jane Hui, Partner, International Tax & Transaction Services, Hong Kong & China, EY


Taxation has significant impacts on the doing business in China. China’s distinctive taxation system is widely different from Hong Kong’s counterparts. A strong understanding of key differences between the two systems enables Hong Kong companies to maximise the tax efficiency of their investments and business activities in China while ensuring full compliance with the tax regulations.

Tax system in China is still evolving at a rapid pace as tax authorities seek to improve transparency, compliance, and the ease of doing business by Hong Kong and foreign investors. Among others, China also accelerates the process of upgrading relevant tax regulations into law, improve the certainty of tax policies, and enhance the efficiency of tax administration.

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights from a China tax expert who will provide an overview of taxation in China along with practical tips for navigating potential challenges and avoiding pitfalls in tax matters.

Key areas to be covered:

(1) Corporate income tax
(2) Value-added tax and other business tax
(3) Capital gain tax
(4) Withholding tax on dividend and other passive income
(5) Stamp duties
(6) Individual income tax

(Recorded in May 2024)

Level: Intermediate

Speaker's bio:
Ms Jane Hui

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