Director Induction: Overview, Best Practice and Case Sharing

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Alson Law FCG HKFCG, Company Secretary and Head of Secretarial Department, The Bank of East Asia, Limited
  • Ms Wendy Ho FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member and Chairman of Professional Development Committee, HKCGI; Executive Director, Company Secretarial Services, Vistra
  • Ms Stella Lo FCG HKFCG(PE), Vice President and Chairman of Membership Committee, HKCGI; Group Company Secretary, Guoco Group Ltd (Chair)


Generally speaking, director induction is aimed to provide a new director with all necessary information that he or she will need to become as effective as possible in the roles of director from management and business perspectives within the shortest practicable time. To cope with the requirements of listing rules, it is much more important for him or her to be fully aware of his or her responsibilities as a director of an issuer and its conduct, business activities and development. Bearing the roles and responsibilities to facilitate the induction of directors, governance professionals shall always ask a question – What does an effective director induction process look like?

In this webinar, two seasoned speakers in company secretarial field will provide an overview of director induction and share practical experience on implementation with a brief outline as below: 

  • Regulatory and reporting requirements
  • Enhancement of corporate governance
  • Roles of governance professionals
  • Director induction process
  • Ongoing training and development programmes
  • Record keeping

(Recorded in September 2022)

Level: Intermediate

Speakers' and chair's bio:
Mr Alson Law
Ms Wendy Ho
Ms Stella Lo

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