Best Practice in Board Reviews

  • English

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Neil Alderton, Partner, Lintstock
  • Ms Kate Barclay, Associate, Lintstock
  • Mr Michael Ling FCG HKFCG, Chairman of Technical Consultation Panel, HKCGI; Joint Company Secretary, CLP Holdings Limited (Chair)


A well-functioning board of directors and strong governance are essential for the success and protection of a business. Regular reviews of the board's performance is vital for ensuring effective decision-making at the highest levels of management.

Representatives from Lintstock, who have collaborated with the UK All Party Parliamentary Corporate Governance Group, will share insights in the seminar on: 

  • Best Practice in Board Reviews: the key principles of conducting an effective Board Review, including the range of techniques that Company Secretaries can use to maximise engagement and drive positive outcomes.
  • Latest trends in Board Reviews: the latest developments in leading boardrooms, informed by the Lintstock Governance Index, which tracks over 60 core board performance metrics from over 200 of the most recent Board Reviews that Lintstock have conducted.
  • Out of Covid into War: the key findings from our latest research exploring how boards are being impacted by recent crises, including the extent to which these events will have a lasting effect on the governance at the top of organisations, and the consequences for Board oversight over the longer term.

(Recorded in April 2024)

Level: Intermediate

Bios of Speakers and Chair:
Mr Neil Alderton
Ms Kate Barclay
Mr Michael Ling

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