Corporate Governance Code Refresher

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Herman Tsui, Principal, Risk Advisory, BDO
  • Mr Frank So, Former Company Secretary of listed companies (Panellist)
  • Ms Stella Lo FCG HKFCG(PE), Vice-President and Chairman of Membership Committee, HKCGI; Group Company Secretary, Guoco Group Ltd (Chair)


The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (The Exchange) reviews the corporate governance framework from time to time to ensure that it remains fit for purpose, continues to promote improvement in the quality of governance, and is adequate for maintaining investors’ confidence in the market. The latest Corporate Governance Code (CG Code) enhancement published on 10 December 2021 had generally taken effect on 1 January 2022. Appendix number of the CG Code had been renamed from Appendix 14 to Appendix C1 effective 31 December 2023.

Aiming at facilitating listed companies to adopt the latest CG code enhancement and achieve good corporate governance, this refresher seminar will provide a review on the latest requirements and important points for listed companies to consider in order to achieve good corporate governance.

A panel discussion involving company secretaries from two listed companies will delve into the Analysis of 2022 Corporate Governance Practice Disclosure released by the Exchange in November 2023 [Click HERE for the Report].  The discussion will focus on sharing challenges and best practices related to (a) corporate culture, (b) long-serving INEDs, (c) diversity, as well as (d) risk management and internal controls.

(Recorded in April 2024)

Level: Intermediate

Bios of Speakers, Panellist and Chair:
Mr Herman Tsui
Mr Frank So
Ms Stella Lo

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