Audited Financial Statements: Where and What Can We Look For?

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr John Wong, Managing Director, Somerley Capital Limited
  • Mr Ricky Lai FCG HKFCG(PE), Company Secretary, China Renewable Energy Investment Limited
  • Mr Sean Lam, Senior Managing Director, Forensic & Litigation Consulting, FTI Consulting
  • Mr Daniel Chow FCG HKFCG(PE), Treasurer, HKCGI; Senior Managing Director, Corporate Finance and Restructuring segment, FTI Consulting (Chair)


Audited financial statements serve as a valuable tool, providing a wealth of information to aid decision-making. However, understanding where and what to look for is crucial.

Join this seminar to explore the various aspects of audited financial statements and gain insights from three distinguished speakers - a financial advisor, a company secretary, and a forensic expert. Together, we will delve into the different sections of audited financial statements and address common financial issues or risks which may be faced by organisations in both short and long terms.

In addition to the presentations, the seminar will feature a captivating panel discussion centered around two real case studies. 3 speakers will analyse the intriguing scenarios of one listed company that experienced a significant drop in share price after its initial public offering (IPO) and one de-listed company due to financial distress.  By examining the prospectus and audited financial statements, attempt will be made to uncover any hints or indicators that may have foreshadowed the unfavourable outcomes.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights, learn from past mistakes, and make informed investment decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of financial statements.

(Recorded in December 2023)

Level: Intermediate

Speakers and Chair's bio:
Mr John Wong
Mr Ricky Lai
Mr Sean Lam
Mr Daniel Chow

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