Share Registrar – Past, Present and Future for Corporate Governance

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student & Non-Member


  • Mr Terry Ip FCG HKFCG, Executive Director, IPO & Share Registry, Vistra
  • Ms Jeanne Au ACG HKACG, Associate Director, IPO & Share Registry, Vistra


Share Registrar is a distinct component within the securities market which comprises multi-faceted stakeholders including regulators, brokers, investment banks, listed companies and their shareholders. Traditionally, it mainly covers the work of share register maintenance, proxy administration, dividend processing, etc. However, it has taken more roles as listed companies are now calling for service on investor relations and regulatory compliance. It must also keep in pace with emerging technologies in recent and coming years.

In this seminar, speakers will examine the evolution of Share Registrar’s roles in the pursuance of corporate governance as well as its working relationship with company secretaries and other stakeholders. The following issues will be addressed:

  • Who is Share Registrar?
  • What does Share Registrar do for listed companies?
  • Why is Share Registrar important from corporate governance perspective?
  • What are the challenges Share Registrar faced due to emerging technologies – scripless, e-meeting, e-voting, e-proxy?
  • What is the relationship between Share Registrar and stakeholders – regulators, company secretaries?
  • How does Share Registrar communicate with registered shareholders and CCASS non-registered shareholders?

(Recorded in November 2021)

Level: Intermediate

Speakers' bio:
Mr Terry Ip
Ms Jeanne Au


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