Evolution of Internal Audit for Governance and Sustainability Enhancement

  • Cantonese

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student, Affiliated Person & Non-Member


  • Ms Vivian Chow, Principal, Risk Advisory Services, BDO
  • Dr Mandict Wong FCG HKFCG, Head of Audit, Maxim’s Group (Panellist)
  • Mr Mike Chan FCG HKFCG (Chair)


This seminar aims to explore the evolving role of internal audit, from the past to the present, to help businesses navigate through the current risk landscape and regulatory requirements. The speaker will also discuss the future of internal audit amid the emerging trends, risk and regulatory changes, and how it can support businesses in enhancing corporate governance, sustainability and value creation.

A panel discussion will follow, addressing the challenges of seeking management support and of implementing internal audit work.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into the changing landscape of internal audit, its importance in optimising businesses to meet their sustainability goals, and the possible solutions to the challenges.

Key outline:

  • Traditional role of internal audit
  • Emerging trends and risks that define the evolution of internal audit
  • How internal audit can drive value for businesses from these trends
  • How businesses can implement best practices to take their internal audit function into the future

(Recorded in October 2023)

Level: Intermediate

Speaker, Panellist and Chair's bio:
Ms Vivian Chow
Dr Mandict Wong
Mr Mike Chan

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