Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Presentation Awards 2023

  • Saturday 16 Sep 2023

  • 10.00am – 1.00pm

  • English

  • Webinar session. No physical attendance is required.

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student, Student Ambassador & Non-Member


The annual Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Presentation Awards (the Competition) organised by the Institute aims at promoting the importance of good governance among local undergraduates and providing them with an opportunity to research, write and present their findings and opinions on the selected theme.

The theme of this year is ‘Climate change disclosures – is the world too focused on this topic?’ with 30 teams have submitted their papers being reviewed by the designated reviewers. Six finalist teams will be selected to present their papers on Saturday 16 September 2023.

The Institute’s members, graduates, students, student ambassadors, undergraduates of all disciplines and academics are welcome to join the complimentary Presentation Competition online. Registration starts on Thursday 3 August 2023. Don’t miss the chance! Local undergraduates or academics can visit HERE for registration.

For details of the Competition, please visit the event website HERE. For waiting list or enquiry, please contact the Qualifications and Assessments Section: 2830 6039 or email:

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