- Mr Henry Kwong, Senior Tax Advisor, ONC Lawyers
- Ms Susan Lo FCG HKFCG (Chair)
Join us for an enlightening seminar as we explore the intricate world of tax myths surrounding the role of a company secretary in implementing corporate restructuring projects or handling company secretarial assignments. Our esteemed speaker, a renowned tax expert, will debunk common misconceptions and shed light on the tax implications that accompany this vital role. (Participants will receive a link to submit their questions or tax myths before the seminar.)
During this seminar, participants will learn from real-life case studies and practical examples with the application of tax principles illustrated how to navigate similar scenarios with confidence, including:
- Group restructuring of Mainland China and Hong Kong entities
- Use of offshore entities (Macau, Mauritius, BVI, Cayman, etc)
- Resident directors, local meetings and economic substance
- Points to Note in maintaining Section 88 Tax Exemption Status
- Share transfer (Hong Kong and BVI companies) and stamp duty relief
Participants will also gain valuable insights into the following areas:
- Tax Planning Strategies: Discover effective tax planning strategies specific to company secretaries, enabling you to optimize tax efficiency and minimize potential risks.
- Navigating Complex Tax Structures: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate tax structures associated with the role of a company secretary, including considerations related to corporate tax, withholding tax, and indirect taxes.
- Dispelling Tax Myths: Challenge common misconceptions surrounding tax matters in corporate restructuring or other company secretarial assignments, empowering you with accurate information and ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws.
(Recorded in January 2024)
Level: Intermediate
Speaker and Chair's bio:
Mr Henry Kwong
Ms Susan Lo