New HKEX Corporate Governance Consultation Paper (Webinar)

  • Wednesday 17 Jul 2024

  • 5.15 pm – 6.15 pm

  • English

  • Webinar session. No physical attendance is required.

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student, Affiliated Person & Non-Member


  • Ms Gill Meller FCG HKFCG(PE), Past President, HKCGI; Legal and Governance Director, MTR Corporation Limited
  • Mr Jason Webber, Partner, Slaughter and May


The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) has proposed certain CG Code amendments in a ‘live’ consultation. A hard cap of nine years for INED tenure is the most talked about of the key proposals, which also include the appointment of a Lead INED where the Chair is not “independent”; mandatory onboarding and ongoing training of directors; board performance reviews; gender diversity; risk management; and a hard cap on over-boarding.

Directors, governance professionals, senior management, and anybody involved in or interested in governance will receive an overview from this seminar, and a discussion of the areas of most interest to listed issuers. The consultation period will end in August and it is proposed that the anticipated changes to the Listing Rules will take effect on 1 January 2025, with transitional arrangements for the hard cap proposals.

Level: Intermediate

Speakers' bio:

Ms Gill Meller
Mr Jason Webber

Seat guarantee will only be given to HKCGI Fellows and/or Practitioner’s Endorsement (PE) holders if registered 10 clear working days with payment prior to the date of the seminar.

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