4th AML/CFT Conference - AML/CFT Regulations, Topical Issues, and Practical Sharing (Hybrid-Online Attendance)

  • Friday 24 Nov 2023

  • 2.15 pm – 5.30 pm

  • English

  • This page is made for online session. If you wish to enrol in the physical session, please scroll down for the registration link.

  • HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student, Affiliated Person & Non-Member


  • Welcoming Address:
  • Mr Ernest Lee FCG HKFCG(PE), President, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute; Technical Partner, Deloitte China
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  • Speech by Guest of Honour:
  • Mr Joseph H L Chan JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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  • Session One (in order of appearance):
  • Mr Edmond Chiu FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member and Chairman of Professional Services Panel, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute; Managing Director, Corporate Services, Vistra Corporate Services (HK) Limited (Session One Chair)
  • Mr Michael Lintern-Smith FCG HKFCG, Roll of Honour, Solicitor and Consultant, Robertsons
  • Mr Daniel Wong FCG HKFCG, Associate Director - Compliance and Risk Management, SWCS Corporate Services Group (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Mr Jason Ho, Partner, EY Financial Services Technology Risk Consulting Leader, Ernst & Young
  • Ms Wendy Ho FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member and Chairman of Professional Development Committee, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute; Executive Director, Corporate Services, Tricor Hong Kong (Panellist)
  • Ms Teresa Lau ACG HKACG, Vice-Chairman of Professional Services Panel, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute; Director and Head of Corporate Secretarial Services, BDO Limited (Panellist)
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  • Session Two (in order of appearance):
  • Dr Maurice Ngai FCG HKFCG(PE), Past President, and Vice-Chairman of Professional Services Panel, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute; Director and Group CEO, SWCS Corporate Services Group (Hong Kong) Limited (Session Two Chair)
  • Ms Amanda Diep, Director, Regional Head of Compliance, North Asia, Vistra
  • Mr Michael Shue, Managing Director - Trust Services, Tricor Services Limited
  • Ms Nicky Kwok, Assistant Manager of Risk Advisory, BDO Limited
  • Ms Jenny Choi FCG HKFCG(PE), Partner, Entity Compliance & Governance Leader, Ernst & Young Company Secretarial Services Limited (Panellist)
  • Ms Alberta Sie FCG HKFCG(PE), Director and Company Secretary, Reanda EFA Secretarial Limited (Panellist)


The Government of the Hong Kong SAR has acknowledged the Institute's efforts to promote anti-money laundering and counter financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) best practices in the 2018 and 2022 editions of the "Hong Kong Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment Reports" submitted to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the organisation that develops international standards. In the senior management of trust and company service providers (TCSPs), the Institute's members were recognised for their professionalism in the reports.

HKCGI AML/CFT Organisations

  1. Tricor Group/Tricor Services Limited
  2. SWCS Corporate Services Group (Hong Kong) Limited
  3. Ernst & Young Company Secretarial Services Limited
  4. Reanda EFA Secretarial Limited
  5. McCabe Secretarial Services Limited
  6. Vistra Corporate Services (HK) Limited

The Institute is pleased to organise this conference, which will cover the following topics:

  • AML/CFT regulatory developments
  • AML/CFT case and practice sharing for the TCSP sector
  • Offshore and trust-related AML/CFT concerns

Understanding AML/CFT issues is increasingly crucial for everyone. Therefore, persons working in the TCSP industry, senior management, and those interested in learning more about AML/CFT issues may find this conference interesting.

This is the online session. If you wish to enrol in the physical session, please click HERE.

Remarks on this Online Session:

  • Registration will be closed on 23 November 2023 at 5.00pm.
  • Once enrolment in this online session is confirmed by the Institute, requests to change to physical session will not be entertained.
  • Online session will be delivered via Zoom facility. The Institute has made every effort to ensure that the quality of the internet connection is sufficient for media streaming. Attendees should ensure that they are in an area of stable internet connection with suitable bandwidth as this can affect user’s experience.

Level: Intermediate

President, Guest of Honour, Chairs, Speakers and Panellists' bio (in order of appearance):
Mr Ernest Lee
Mr Joseph H L Chan JP
Mr Edmond Chiu
Mr Michael Lintern-Smith
Mr Daniel Wong
Mr Jason Ho
Ms Wendy Ho
Ms Teresa Lau
Dr Maurice Ngai
Ms Amanda Diep
Mr Michael Shue
Ms Nicky Kwok
Ms Jenny Choi
Ms Alberta Sie

Seat guarantee will only be given to HKCGI Fellows and/or Practitioner’s Endorsement (PE) holders if registered 10 clear working days with payment prior to the date of the seminar. 

AML/CFT Organisations

Venue Sponsor

Supporting Organisation

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Visit our FAQs or contact the Professional Development Section: 2881 6177 or email: cpd@hkcgi.org.hk

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